Chapter 5 and 6 Assignment " A Lesson Before Dying"

Chapter 5

1. On page 34 it states that Grant's classroom was the church, which is why the class met there.

2. On page 34 it also states that Grant was supposed to teach six months of the year, but actually he would only teach five and a half months from late October to the middle of April, when the children were not needed in the field.

3. Grant goes into so much detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed because he is very aggravated and it's the main thing that's on his mind annoying him; therefore, he vents to his students to cause them sadness due to his emotions as well.

4. Mr. Farrell brings the news in class about Mr. Pichot wanting to speak to Grant that evening.

Qoute - Page. 33 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want"
The Qoute is meaning that God, who would be referred to as our shepherd, job was to to take care of his children (all God's children) and to make sure they are safe and taken care of where they would no t want for nothing.

Qoute - Page. 39 " Do you all know what is going on in Bayonne?"
The quote said by Grant is said to emphasize the situation that Jefferson is going through and to get the students to look at the main idea of what's going on life at the time rather than playing with bugs.

Chapter 6

1.Grant has gone Mr. Pichot's house to meet with about Jefferson.

2. Grant sits and wait in Mr. Pichot's kitchen for two and a half hours.

3. Edna makes Grant reach in order to shake hands; due to fact that she doesn't want to get to close to him and is maybe afraid because of the color his skin and tries to be polite from a distance.

4. Grant was acting very clever towards the white man, which insulted him. Grant reveals that he is not as dull as the white man sees him.

Qoute - Page. 47 " Too much intelligence would have been an insult to them. To show a lack of intelligence would have been a greater insult to me"
For an Black to know so much at point of time in life the whites hated it; therefore, Grant watched the way he talked to sophisticate his speech because the whites believed they were above them.


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