Blog Post Assignment 5

"I stood motionless for a moment, paralyzed with dread . I gazed into the tank to confirm what was true. There was no water. Not even a sip. Nowaternowaternowaternowaternowaternowater."  - Chapter 12 Page 194

3. Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict? 

Yes, this quotation indicates conflict. The quote indicates the conflict of struggle. Cheryl forced herself not to drink the last two until she had the water tank in sight and by 4:30 there it was. As soon  as she saw it, she pulled out her bottle and drank the last of her water, thankful that in a matter of minutes she would be able to drink her fill from the tank; however, once Cheryl arrived to the tank she saw several scraps of papers that all bored the same message: NO WATER.

4. Does the quotation provide detail about the setting? If so, what type of description does it provide? How does the setting description classify the time period? 

Yes, the quotation I chose provides details about the setting. Once Cheryl seen the tank she immediately pulled out her bottle and drank the last of her water. As she approached, she saw that the wooden post near the tank was covered with something that flapped in the wind. It looked like several shredded ribbons at first and then a ripped cloth. It wasn't until she got up close that she saw tiny scraps of paper notes stuck to the post with duct tape and now fluttering in the wind. She lurched forward to read them and they all said what the said in various ways, but they all bored the same message: NO WATER. 

"I laughed a bit then, a self-conscious puff-croak of a chuckle that sounded more sad than happy. I know because I took the cassette tape home and listened to it over and over again. To heal the wound your father made, you're going to get on that horse and ride into battle like a warrior." - Chapter 12 page 205 

1. Does this quotation relate to the theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?

Yes, the quotation I chose relates to the theme of inspiration. Cheryl has faced many tough situations throughout her life, such as her losing her mother and her family becoming distant; however, Cheryl lost herself she wasn't herself anymore, but she still managed to push to find herself again by hiking the PCT. Pat was basically saying to Cheryl that even though she went through a situation soo harsh that she should never give up and that she's just going to have to fight through the pain to overcome it. 

3. Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict? 

Yes, the quotation indicates conflict between Cheryl and herself. Events in her past seem to be haunting her and she is struggling to overcome them. 


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