Blog Post Assignment 3

    The overall problem of this situation is that the wilderness of Goat Rocks and William O. Douglas is that the its PCT is perpetually in bad shape because it has no regular volunteer maintainers. I believe no one wants to actually volunteer because it takes atleast three days just to get anything done on the PCT. Being roadless is the primary prerequisite for an area to be designated as wilderness. So to solve this problem, they believed it would be beneficial to send out experienced volunteers in each isolated area to get an accurate feedback. With this solution they believed they would get more volunteers to regularly volunteer for maintainers.


Part of what makes the PCT a world-class experience is that it has more designated wilderness than any other long distance trail.


In Goat Rocks, you have to head out for atleast three days to get anything done on the PCT.


I'm very curious and would like to know why the PCT doesn't have regular volunteer maintainers? (What pushes the volunteers away to make them not regularly volunteer for PCT)

You can read this article at this link


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