Why Ralph Ellison’s Novel is Relevant to Today’s Society

Dear Ralph Ellison, 

I am writing this letter to inform you about why I feel your novel is important to to today’s society.

Ralph Ellison I strongly feel that your book has a strong impact on today’s society. I haven’t got far yet within the novel, but I am already learning many things that are a big eye opener within today’s society. Many young African Americans are stereotyped and see no potential within themselves. In the novel it states, “Come out of the fog, young man. And remember you don’t have to be a complete fool in order to succeed.” This quote can mean a few things if you take it into consideration. This tells  African Americans that they have to potential to do anything, but they just have to come out and step into their potential. In addition, I also feel like This quote was pertaining to African Americans during that time that they didn’t have to be complete fools and fall into every trap that whites place and that they needed to play it smart until they achieved their goals. Also, there is another quote that states, “I don’t even insist that it was worth it, but now I’m here and I mean to stay - - after you win the game, you take the prize and you keep it, protect it; there’s nothing else to do.” I felt that this quote relates to today’s society and actually speaks to it as well because few of the African Americans that succeed they don’t protect that success and end up making bad decisions making it something to do to get themselves out of troubles. Overall, Mr. Ellison I feel that your book should be read world wide to expand the knowledge all over to those who take life seriously and consider the big eye opening things within life. 


Justin Ward 


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