Invisible Man Themes and Connections

            Throughout the novel thus far there were 3 themes that were prevalent to me. The 3 themes were racism, taking risks, and blindness. I stated racism due to how the whites made the blacks fight one another for only a couple of cents. Next, I said taking risks because due to how the narrator playing the whites by pleasing them and not being himself. Lastly, I say blindness because as the blacks were fighting throughout the battle royal the blacks were too blind to the fact that the whites were just making them embarrass each other just for a small change of money.

            Three of the themes somehow connect to the poem, “ I, Too” by Langston Hughes. Racism is connected by how once company comes he is dismissed to the kitchen in the poem and how the blacks were treated and looked at within the novel. Also, theme of taking risks connects to both when Langston Hughes states, “Tomorrow I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody dare Say to me, “Eat in the Kitchen,” Then.” Lastly, I say blindness because at first the man was blind to the fact he was being mistreated and dismissed when other whites(company) came then he took a stand to show that he was going to stand up for what he believed in.

             Three of the themes also connects to the poem, “Refugee in America” by Langston Hughes in a way. Racism in a sense connects to the poem due to how the blacks feel sympathy for how sweet Freedom felt towards them from how whites always controlled them. Also you can infer from the poem that blacks took risk and protested for the word “Freedom” because the narrator states, “there are words like Freedom Sweet and wonderful to say” basically stating that they fought and earned something so special. Lastly, I feel the theme of blindness conncects to this poem due to how they leave the reader clueless of what the narrator knows. He states,” if you had known what I knew you would know why.”


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