Blog Post Assignment 7

1. On page 85, Kien states that he misses Phuong after  she had another man in her home and it caused much hurt towards him. Why do you believe he still misses her?

2. On page 86, Kien became bewildered, confused, deeply troubled, and began to pace around the room and memories flared up, again and again. What do you believe his reasoning for lurching over to his desk to write?

3. Why do you believe that Kien was seeing platoon so vividly?

4. Why did writing seem to make Kien feel better?

5. On page 87, Kien states that everything now seemed to change. What does he mean?

6. On pages 94-96 Kien remembered what happened to Quang in 1966. Quang had been chopped down and his belly was torn open, his intestines pouring out, and his bones seemed to be smashed. But suddenly, Quang wants Kien to kill him by shooting him, but Kien declined. So Quang decides to grab a gernade and hold it up and told Kien to get out.Why do you believe Kien did not shoot?

7. On page 90, There's a quote that states," There is no terrible in death", what do you believe is this quote meaning?

8. On page 92,  Kien was laying, not moving and this guy jumped in on him, heavy as a log. Kien was frightened, so he stabbed him multiple times. How would have you reacted to someone jumping on you that was heavy as a log?

9. Have you ever once predicted a death? Explain.

10. Have you ever witnessed a death? If so, how did it make you feel?


  1. Answer to #4: I believe writing makes Kien feels better because its therapeutic for him. Kien has a passion for writing and it gives him a natural high when he enjoying his passion.

    1. Great answer! I strongly agree that writing was his passion and it cleared his mind from horrific memories and situations that he would suffer from.

  2. #1- Kien still misses her because he is stuck in the past. He loves his memories of how they were. He wants to continue from where they were before. He will not be able to do that because time has changed both of them.

  3. Yes, I agree that is a very good answer!

  4. #6
    I believe that Kien decided not to shoot because he thought that maybe there was a different alternative or option to helping him other than taking his life, I also believe that he opted against it because he didn't want the death on his consciousness.

    1. Great answer! This was absolutely the answer I was looking for, couldn't have answered it any better.

  5. 8.) If I were in Kien's situation, I don't think i would have stabbed the man. I may have pumched him and kicked him a little though. Then told him that he was wrong or that shouldn't have done that to me. In my opinion, Lien overreacted a little due to severe paranoia caused by the war.

    1. Interesting answer, I would say, because I totally agree that could have been the problem that Kien just overreacted a little.

  6. Question 4

    Writing seemed to be an outlet for Kien's frustration and aggression. It was something he could do to ease his mind, even though he relived painful memories through it. It is like having a friend to express yourself to, free of judgment.


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