My Reflection On Huckleberry Finn

             Throughout the novel, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain primarily focused on the perspective of a little boy name Huck. Huck is adopted by widow name Douglas and her sister Miss Watson who both try to civilize him. Huck’s life throughout the novel was very adventurous and experienced lots of life’s ups and downs. His father, Pap was a drunk who only begged him for money and envied his son for his intelligence. Besides his dear friend Tom who family made Huck feel like one of their own, Jim became one of his closest. Lastly, Huck’s resistance to being civilized created him to be more adventurous and to experience what life brings.
             My reflection on Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain was very informative. I felt that I was able to learn many great life lessons throughout the book. I was able to make many connections throughout the novel that tied into today’s society. This made me curious, wondering would the world ever change, because the events that took place throughout the novel’s time are now taking place in today’s society. In addition, Huck was resisting to being civilized and did what he wanted, which we all are. This persuaded me to live my life more freely and to live it to the fullest. Overall, Huckleberry Finn was a great novel that should be read by classes all over the world!


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