Emily Dickinson Quotes 1-15

1. “Forever is composed of nows.”
- Dickinson is saying that the nows are the present and should be celebrated. Basically the nows are the forever.

2. “That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.”
- This quote is basically stating that we only get one life so we have to treasure it. Knowing that you have one life to love you have to make the best out of it, which makes life so sweet.

3. “If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.”
- This quote is basically saying If she could prevent pain, she would not live a pointless life. Due to her doing a good deed she was able to stop a heart from breaking, serving a purpose in life.

4. “If I read and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.”
- This quote is telling the reader that if the poetry doesn’t move her and doesn’t make her feel some type of then it is not poetry. Poetry is meant to move a reader.

5. “ This is my letter to the world That never wrote to me.”
- The author is basically stating that she wrote a letter to the world. I feel the world she lived in was antisocial with her so that was the purpose of saying, “That never wrote to me.”

6. “Saying nothing sometimes says the most.”
- Silence reveals the meaning of things. Saying nothing says the most due to embracing silence instead of talking.

7. “I dwell in possibility...”
- This quote is saying how she lives in hope. Whatever she does there is hope to strengthen her.

8. “Nature is a haunted house- - but Art- - is a house that tries to be haunted.”
- I feel Dickinson is basically stating that nature is filled with horror and is a sinful environment. On the other hand, she feels that art is a beautiful place that tries to invaded by the dangerous environment.

9. “Parting is all we know of Heaven, and all we need of Hell.”
- I feel that Dickinson is stating that the loss of someone. Also I feel she is saying parting is a part of hell because it is bad.

10. “I have been bent and broken, but- I hope- into a better shape.”
- Emily Dickinson is saying throughout all of the pain she has been through it has shaped her into a bigger and better person. If it wasn’t for her going through the struggle she wouldn’t have been in the great shape she developed herself into.

11. “In this short life that only lasts ah hour how much- how little- is within our power.”
- Emily Dickinson is saying that the short life that we live in we have little control. She uses

12. “Whenever a thing  is done for the first time, it realeses a little demon.”
- This quote is saying that when something is done for the first, such as something sinful for the first time it realeses a bad side of you. For example, one being at a party and they decide to smoke for the first time and they begin to act abnormal.

13. “To shut your eyes is to travel.”
- When you shut your eyes your in your own state of mind. The mind is full of adventures and for you to travel freely to anywhere you want to go.

14. “Open me carefully.”
- Emily Dickinson‘s quote, “Open me carefully” is basically saying not to hurt her because she is fragile. So once one opens up to her they would not to be careful of the wrongdoings that could

15. “Till I loved I never liked enough.”
I feel Dickinson is saying that now that she loved and has never liked enough. She had finally got the experience of love and has never liked enough .


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