Act 1 & 2 of Macbeth

Act 1

In Act one of Macbeth basically the discussion of noble Macbeth was and how great of soldier he was. King Duncan offered his highest praise to Macbeth. Then there were three witches who prophesied that Macbeth would become king. Afterwards, Macbeth begins to question the three witches, like why me when there’s already an existing king. In addition, Macbeth is encouraged by Banqou to become the king as well. Later throughout the story, lady Macbeth recieves a letter from the three witches about their prophecy of Macbeth becoming king. Lady Macbeth then decides that she wants Macbeth to kill King Duncan once he visits their palace, but she then comes up with a plan to get the guards drunk and make it seem as if they committed the crime. Macbeth is reluctant to do so because he knows that it isn’t right but he loves his wife so he had to fight through peer pressure to satisfy his wife. Overall, I feel that Lady Macbeth was very wrong for pressuring Macbeth to do such thing and that in the end I predict that they both will suffer due to their sinful actions and not thinking carefully of consequences.

Act 2

During Act two of Macbeth seemed to be a very remorseful setting. Macbeth commited an action that he could not take . He was very sorry and couldn’t sleep. Macbeth didn’t think about how killing King Duncan would dramatically put an effect upon him so harsh. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth seem the be very cool l and chill about the situation due to her not physically committing any of the dirty work. Although she did use the blood to wipe upon the gauard’s faces to make it seem as if they did the murderous  sin. In conclusion, Macbeth should’ve thought this out more carefully before taking action to uplift himself as king by killing King Duncan because it put a very harsh effect upon him that caused insomnia.


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