The Color Purple: Film/ Novel Compare & Contrast
After watching the film and reading the novel of The Color Purple it was evident to seek the comparisons and differences between the two. The novel was composed of Celie’s letters to God; however, throughout the film it doesn’t show Celie writing letters to God because it would have been to difficult to take the time out to set this up in the movie. The novel mainly takes a deep look into Celie’s womanhood expressing her feelings, emotions, and thoughts with God. Overall, the book gives us a deeper insight of the character Celie. Next, when one takes a deeper look into the film and novel they they are able to grasp the similarities of both. Although both may not be just alike, they have the same situations with different outcomes. I believe they all have the same situations throughout the book and film to stress the importance of a lesson. Such as the bond between Celie and Shug, everything seems to be t...